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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Winter Maintenance - Carriageway Gritting Routes (2024) Public Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data and represents Stirling Council's Winter Maintenance Carriageway Gritting Routes for winter 2024/25.

Routes are treated based upon the following priority characteristics;

Priority 1 Routes:
Council roads of primary importance and which form a strategic network, these being strategic, main distributor and secondary distributor roads and comprise main urban traffic routes, the main routes to schools, bus routes and routes to main Emergency Service establishments, and a route to each primary and secondary school from the nearest P1 route.

Priority 2 Routes:
These are identified roads of lesser importance as traffic routes and important rural routes. These routes are roads and include main urban spine roads into housing and industrial areas where there are difficult bends or steep inclines and are particularly prone to icing.

Priority 3 Routes:
These are the most significant of the remainder of the road network which are Local Access Roads in terms of hierarchy.

Priority 4 Routes:
These are the remainder of the public road network, priority being given to locations of difficult junctions, gradients, bends, or short, sharp incline, together with reasonable lengths of carriageway adjacent to these specific problems.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Education, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development, Transportation
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-10-02
Date Updated 2024-12-09
Original dataset link