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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - scottish local authority multi-member ward boundaries Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data

Boundaries Scotland is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to Scottish Ministers for local authority boundaries and electoral arrangements in Scotland. Electoral reviews make recommendations on the overall number of councillors in each local authority and number of councillors in each ward (each Mainland ward must elect either 3 or 4 councillors, Island wards may have between 1 and 4 councillors depending on their size); the number of wards for local government elections and their boundaries; and the extent of council areas. Electoral reviews are undertaken roughly every 8 to 12 years. Recommendations that are accepted by Ministers are enacted by statutory instrument and passed to Ordnance Survey for inclusion in their BoundaryLine product.

Following the reorganisation of councils into the 32 unitary local authorities, 1,245 electoral boundaries were defined following direction from the Secretary of State in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994. Since then, a number of formal reviews of electoral arrangements and administrative areas have taken place.

Source: and OS Boundaries dataset.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2022-06-04
Date Updated 2024-07-07
Original dataset link