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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - ordnance survey open greenspace sites Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data

Covering a range of greenspaces in urban and rural areas including playing fields, sports’ facilities, play areas and allotments.

What OS Open Greenspace provides you with
  • Comprehensive Open dataset of greenspace
  • Finding greenspaces has never been easier. Britain’s most comprehensive Open dataset of greenspace provides the foundation for you to help create greener and healthier communities.

Understand locations and access points
  • Understand the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas and allotments, along with access points for entering and exiting urban and rural greenspaces.

Green communities
  • Britain’s most comprehensive Open dataset of greenspaces underpins a range of apps, products and innovations - providing the foundation to help create greener and healthier communities.

Planning for health
  • Incorporated as a layer into SHAPE, the dataset has been used alongside asset location data (GPs, pharmacies, schools) and indicator data (population and deprivation), to help inform and support the strategic planning of services and physical assets across the health economy.

Vital in emergencies
  • A vital tool in helping our emergency services, OS Open Greenspace includes site use and access points, making it quicker to get to emergency situations.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Health and Social Care, Planning and Development, Sport and Leisure
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2022-09-23
Date Updated 2024-08-01
Original dataset link