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Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - national records of scotland small area population estimates (2017 to 2021) Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data

national records of scotland - small area population estimates (2017 to 2021). This is the latest release of data based on small areas (datazones). The dataset contains information at the data zone level mid-year population estimates from 2017 onwards for the Stirling Council area. 

  • The published datasets for “All Persons”, “Females” and “Males” are sourced from the annually updated Small Areas Population Estimates (SAPE) on the National Records of Scotland (NRS) website.
  • Of the 6,976 data zones in Scotland, each covering a population of between 500 and 1000 residents, there are 121 within the Stirling Council area.
  • For each data zone within the Stirling Council area, this dataset details the total population and distribution by age for the above, and can be viewed by Ward, Intermediate Zone (IZ) and Scottish Parliamentary Constituency (SPC).
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Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-04-07
Date Updated 2024-07-06
Original dataset link