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Open data - national records of scotland census 2022 locality centroids Edit

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2022 Census Locality

The Census Locality boundaries have been created using the Census 2022 frozen Postcode boundaries.
National Records of Scotland (NRS) create Locality boundaries by first creating the Settlements geography, and then assigning any Postcode located within a Settlement to a Locality based on a point-in-polygon (PIP) process with the previous version of the Locality boundary. Postcodes that fall within a Settlement boundary that are unassigned after the PIP are manually examined and assigned to a Locality.

2022 Census Settlement and Locality Centroids

Each population weighted centroid was calculated using a median centroid algorithm, the result of which is less influenced by outliers than the result of an algorithm to calculate the mean centroid. The process for creating Census 2022 Settlements centroids was automated using
ESRI ArcGIS, but the general method is as follows. The median easting and northing coordinate pair for all Census 2022 frozen
Postcodes within the Settlement is calculated, giving a notional centroid of the Settlement. The distance from each of the Postcode centroids to the notional (or median) centroid is calculated using Pythagoras' Theorem. The Postcode coordinate pair with the shortest distance to the median was then chosen to represent the centroid of the Settlement/Locality.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-05-21
Date Updated 2024-07-06
Original dataset link