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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - licensed premises Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data and under development to show premise locations.

Please Note: This dataset originates from a system export which contains no coordinate information. We take this extract and process it against our own gazetteer (official list of property addresses) to create a location point. Some errors do exist in the positions of the premises points, where mis-matched address information exists, however, as we develop this dataset the accuracy will improve.

License Boards, established by Local Authorities, manage alcohol and public entertainment licenses, make decisions on applications, review appeals, and set local policies. Civic Licenses for activities like street trading and late-night refreshment are also administered to ensure standards and regulations are met, safeguarding public welfare. Additionally, Local Authorities regulate taxi services, ensuring driver competence and vehicle safety. This comprehensive oversight maintains public safety and upholds standards across licensed activities in Scotland.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Arts / Culture / History, Business and Economy, Health and Social Care, Housing and Estates, Law and Licensing, Planning and Development, Public Safety, Transportation
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-07-21
Date Updated 2024-10-07
Original dataset link