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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - coal board development low risk Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data


The Development Low Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains no recorded coal mining legacy risks to the surface.  New development within this defined area is subject to general Standing Advice from the Coal Authority.   


The development low risk areas are used by Planning Authorities to determine that a planning application is subject to general Standing Advice from the Coal Authority. 

Supplementary Information  

The National Coal Mining Database, which is based on the records held at The Coal Authority offices in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, is updated on a regular basis.  This dataset has been extracted from this dynamic database on the date stated below and therefore represents a snapshot in time. 

Status of the data  

Extract of data from the National Coal Mining Database Data update frequency: As needed 


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-07-25
Date Updated 2024-07-25
Original dataset link