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Renfrewshire Council

Local authority for the Renfrewshire Council area

Mid year 2018 population estimate Edit

Mid-year population estimates: Scotland and Renfrewshire by single year of age and sex 1981 to 2018. Annual publication of mid-year population estimates by age and sex as at 30 June every year, where population for higher geographies is aggregated from the population estimates for 2011 Data Zones.Data zones are the small area geography used by the Scottish Government to allow statistics to be available across a number of policy areas. Data zones were initially set up to nest within council area boundaries and to have a population of between 500 and 1,000 household residents. As much as possible, data zones were set up to contain households with similar social characteristics and to take into consideration physical boundaries. More information on data zone geography can be found on the Scottish Government website. There are 6,976 data zones in Scotland.Following the 2011 Census the Scottish Government completed a consultation on the redrawing of data zone boundary and finalised the new data zones. 2011 Data Zones were published at the end of 2014.Intermediate zones are built up from data zones. Intermediate zones are the statistical small geographical areas designed to contain a population of between 2,500 and 6,000 household residents. There are 1,235 intermediate zones in Scotland. More information on intermediate geography can be found on the Scottish Government website.For more information on population statistics, please see the NRS website here: year of age population estimates are available on the NRS website here:


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Planning and Development
Maintainer Renfrewshire Council
Date Created 2019-07-19
Date Updated 2019-07-24
Number of records 4
Original dataset link