Renfrewshire Council
Local authority for the Renfrewshire Council areaBaby First Names 2018 (boys) Edit
Babies' first forenames by Council area, 2018 based on the records for all the births which were registered in that year - filtered for Renfrewshire. Notes - a) each list covers first forenames given to 3+ babies of that sex in the specified council area (so OMITS first forenames given to only 1-2 babies of that sex). b) the geographical basis is the usual one for National Records of Scotland (NRS) statistics of births, which is births registered in Scotland to mothers who lived in the specified council area plus any births to mothers from outwith Scotland which occurred in the specified council area.
Additional Info
License | UK Open Government Licence v3.0 |
Category | Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Health and Social Care, Planning and Development |
Maintainer | Renfrewshire Council |
Date Created | 2019-04-18 |
Date Updated | 2019-04-18 |
Number of records | 90 |
Original dataset link | |