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Renfrewshire Council

Local authority for the Renfrewshire Council area

Annual Business Statistics Edit

Scottish Annual Business Survey 2020 - filtered for Renfrewshire. Scottish Annual Business Statistics (SABS), which is largely sourced to the Annual Business Survey, provides data mainly on the Production (including Manufacturing), Construction and Service Sectors in Scotland. The main sectors not covered are the financial sector & parts of agriculture and the public sector. Data are classified according to industry group and geographical area. All figures are at current prices.Variables include employment, employees, turnover, purchases of goods & services, approximate gross value added (GVA), gross wages & salaries, labour costs, total output and number of business units. GVA per head, gross wages & salaries per head and labour costs per head are also available.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Sport and Leisure
Maintainer Renfrewshire Council
Date Created 2019-07-19
Date Updated 2023-04-18
Number of records 12
Original dataset link