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Improvement Service

The national improvement organisation for Local Government in Scotland set up to deliver improvement support that would help councils to provide effective community leadership, strong local governance and deliver high quality, efficient local services.

Safety Features - Scotland Edit

Many Local Authorities capture locational details of certain safety features located across their area of jurisdiction. This dataset attempts to pull those features together into one single national dataset. It currently contains defibrillator, water access points, fire hydrant, lifebelt and CCTV locations where local authorities have provided them. It is likely that this dataset will be superseded and/ or conflated into a national emergency services gazetteer as and when that is created.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Arts / Culture / History, Health and Social Care, Public Safety
Maintainer Improvement Service
Date Created 2021-06-11
Date Updated 2024-06-19
Original dataset link