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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

UPRNs with school catchments Edit


This data is provided here for specialist users only. The same information is available in a much more user-friendly format in the Services near me page on the main council website, and anyone interested in enrolling a child in school should see the page on Enrolment in Primary and Secondary Schools in Dundee


This map layer is provided here as a hosted feature layer that is intended for use in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) like ArcGIS, or live integrations like Granicus Customer Services. The REST API can provide this data with or without Geometry as required.


This layer includes the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) of every address in Dundee, plus information about the catchment schools for these addresses.

There are 4 records for each address representing the 4 different types of school catchments i.e.

  • Denominational Primary
  • Non-denominational (Roman Catholic) Primary
  • Denominational Secondary
  • Non-denominational (Roman Catholic) Secondary


This layer does not contain any personal information, so there are no pupil names etc. All addresses are included, whether or not there are any pupils at that address.

Copyright Limitations

Due to copyright reasons there are no actual addresses in this data, so there are no building numbers, streetnames, postcodes etc. If actual addresses are required these can be obtained from other products and services such as the Council's Corporate Address Gazetteer (CAG), the One Scotland Gazetteer (OSG) or Ordnance Survey's AddressBase, NGD and OS Places API.

The UPRNs and UPRN locations in this layer can also be found in the Ordnance Survey Open UPRN product,


This data is updated each night with the latest UPRNs from the Council's Corporate Address Gazetteer (CAG). Catchment data are taken from the Council's current catchment boundaries layer ("SchoolsAndCatchments - Current") which is updated as required. This typically happens around October or November before enrolment starts for the next school year each year. The data may therefore reflect the catchments that are due to take effect at the start of the next school year. For more details on the catchment data please see the the Council's current catchment boundaries layer ("SchoolsAndCatchments - Current")

Integration tips

To see how to query this layer please see the 'API Explorer' or, to retrieve json with just the school names for a UPRN , please see the example below:

Please also note that UPRN is a text field that must contain 12 digits with leading zeroes, and must be enclosed in single quotes. These quotes and other special characters can be used in plain text as shown above, or URLencoded as shown in the API explorer.

Related Data

Users who wish to see catchment boundaries or identify the catchment area(s) for a location described by XY coordinates may wish to use the "SchoolsandCatchments - Current" boundary layer on which this UPRN layer is based. This does not contain any UPRN info, but it does provide a REST API and API explorer.

Internal DCC GIS users may also use a version of this layer which includes full CAG addresses: CAG with school catchments. This is not available as open data for copyright reasons.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Arts / Culture / History, Council and Government, Education, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2024-11-13
Date Updated 2024-11-27
Original dataset link https://data.dundeecity.gov.uk/datasets/dundeecity::uprns-with-school-catchments