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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

NonDenominationalSecondaryCatchments Edit

This data is provided here for users of specialist GIS software only. The same information is available in a much more user-friendly format in the Services near me page on the main council website, and anyone interested in enrolling a child in school should see the page on Enrolment in Primary and Secondary Schools in Dundee

This layer contains 5 sublayers - 1 shows all Dundee City Council Schools, and the other 4 show catchment boundaries in the following categories:
  • Denominational Primary
  • Non-denominational (Roman Catholic) Primary
  • Denominational Secondary
  • Non-denominational (Roman Catholic) Secondary
The Council uses catchment areas to decide where your child is given a place at school. A catchment area is an area around a single school. Children who live in this area are usually offered a place at the school. For more information please see  DCC Guidance on Enrolment at P1 and S1 and on Placing Requests (208KB MS Word doc)


This data is updated as required. This typically happens around October or November before enrolment starts for the next school year each year. The data may therefore reflect the catchments that are due to take effect at the start of the next school year. 

This layer can be used directly in 
  • Web apps like the ArcGIS Online mapviewer, dashboards, storymaps, etc, some of which are available via the council website
  • Mobile apps like ArcGIS Field
  • Desktop apps like ArcGIS Pro
Links to this layer can also be found in:
  • Dundee Council open data portal - for technical specialists to download and exploring the data 
  • Improvement Service Spatial Hub - included in a national dataset that is collated and distributed by IS.  
  • One Dundee GIS Portal based on ArcGIS Enterprise - for DCC staff on internal DCC devices - TBD
  • Scottish Government spatial data portal  - TBD
  • data.gov.uk - TBD
Usage in other software
This data is also available as a Web Feature Service (WFS) for use in other GIS software such as QGIS.  

Integration tips

For most integration purposes it will be easier to use one of the UPRN based items mentioned below under 'Related data'

To see how to query this layer please see the 'API Explorer' or modify the examples below.

Integration examples

Note that these examples output in pretty json, but the f parameter can be used to change this to other output formats such plain JSON or HTML 

Related Data

This layer is used to create the following items for use in system integrations:
  • UPRNs with school catchments - map layer intended for use in live integrations like Firmstep\Granicus. This can be queried to provide all the relevant catchments for a UPRN without needing to know the XY coordinates.
  • UPRN to school catchment seedcode lookup tables - collection of CSV files intended for use in disconnected integrations like SEEMIS, but may also be used to remove dependency on a live integration in Firmstep/Granicus.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Education, Planning and Development
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2024-11-01
Date Updated 2024-11-28
Original dataset link https://data.dundeecity.gov.uk/datasets/dundeecity::nondenominationalsecondarycatchments