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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

Local Nature Conservation Sites - Dundee City Edit

Local nature conservation sites (LNCS) is a non-statutory designation given by local authorities to areas of locally important nature and landscapes. NatureScot, on behalf of the Local Nature Conservation Sites Working Group, published guidance (https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/protected-areas-and-species/protected-areas/local-designations/local-nature-conservation-sites) for local authorities on the establishment and management of LNCS systems in Scotland.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Sport and Leisure
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2016-05-24
Date Updated 2022-10-27
Original dataset link https://data.spatialhub.scot/dataset/local_nature_conservation_sites-dc