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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

Dundee Locally Important Nature Conservation Sites (LINCS) Edit

This data shows the boundaries of Local Important Nature Conservation Sites (LINCS) as agree in the 2019 Local Development Plan (LDP). It also shows a number of sites which have been proposed as future LINCS when the LDP is next reviewed. The data also includes some basic ownership information such as whether the area is owned by Dundee City Council (DCC) or is in in private ownership.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Planning and Development
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2024-01-17
Date Updated 2024-09-30
Original dataset link https://data.dundeecity.gov.uk/datasets/dundeecity::dundee-locally-important-nature-conservation-sites-lincs