Open Data Scotland Wrapped 2024

We've put together Open Data Scotland Wrapped: a breakdown of the key stats from the past year, highlighting how people engaged with open data across Scotland.

Check it out in our presentation!

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Title slide of Open Data Scotland Wrapped 2024
Slide showing the most viewed datasets: 1. 'GP Practice Contact Details and List Sizes' from Public Health Scotland, 2. 'HMO Current Licenses' from Glasgow City Council, 3. 'School Catchments - Glasgow City' from Glasgow City Council, 4. 'Private Water Supply Sources - Scotland' from the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland, 5. 'LIDAR data' from Glasgow City Council
Slide showing the top cities exploring open data: 1. Glasgow with 3000 visitors, 2. Edinburgh with 1800 visitors, 3. Aberdeen with 500 visitors
Slide showing the most popular dataset formats: 1. CSV with 1,677 files, 2. ArcGIS Hub Dataset and GeoServices with 1,402 files, 3. ZIP with 1,340 files, 4. Excel with 870 files, 5. GeoJSON with 627 files
Slide showing the top publishers with the most datasets: 1. Scottish Government with 209 datasets, 2. Stirling Council with 200 datasets, 3. Glasgow City Council with 159 datasets, 4. North Ayrshire Council with 139 datasets, 5. Public Health Scotland with 136 datasets