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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Scotland's census 2022 - output area geographies for stirling Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data. Scotland's Census 2022 - Output Area Geographies. This dataset can be used to join published tables of data to, creating either their geographies or additional table datasets.

The boundaries are available at Extent of the Realm and clipped to the Mean High Water (MHW) Mark with inland water removed.

Description: Output Areas created by aggregating frozen postcodes.
  • Output Code: A code that identifies a Census 2022 Output Area (OA).
  • Households: 2022 Census occupied household count at OA level. Cell Key Perturbation has been applied to Scotland’s Census 2022 outputs. This means that small adjustments are made automatically to cells in tables, including the Postcode to Output Area lookup. This is part of our Statistical Disclosure Control methodology, you can read more on the Scotland’s Census website.
  • Population: 2022 Census household population count at OA level. Cell Key Perturbation has been applied to Scotland’s Census 2022 outputs. This means that small adjustments are made automatically to cells in tables, including the Postcode to Output Area lookup. This is part of our Statistical Disclosure Control methodology, you can read more on the Scotland’s Census website.
  • Local Authority Code: A code that identifies a 2019 Council Area.
  • Master Postcode: Postcode assigned as the Master Postcode for Output Area.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-07-20
Date Updated 2024-07-20
Original dataset link