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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - police scotland road traffic collisions Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data and taken directly from Police Scotland's Road Traffic Collision Dataset.

The dataset has been manipulated to show reportable Road Traffic Collisions within the Stirling Council area and is a join between Collision and Casualty data available here, 

Supporting information about the data from Police Scotland:
  • Please note that these data are not official statistics.
  • These management information data are not directly comparable with official statistics. The data published here is for recorded collisions from January 1st  Data before this date are already available online at the Department for Transport (see below).
  • All data are provisional and should be treated as management information. These data were extracted from Police Scotland internal systems and are published quarterly. Management information are extracted, and will be correct, as at July 2nd; October 2nd; January 2nd; and April 2nd.  Historical data are refreshed to show the most current recorded information.
  • During 2019 Police Scotland adopted the CRaSH (Collision Recording and Sharing) data recording and management solution. This is one of the first national IT solutions implemented by Police Scotland, which is also used by over half of the police forces in England and Wales. The system is owned by the Department for Transport, and further information is available on the CRaSH website.
  • Before the introduction of CRaSH provision of STATS19 data (see below) was reliant on collating data from a number of different legacy Force IT systems. Due to differences in data structure and recording practices or processes, these data do not have the same level of consistency as that available from CRaSH.  However, RTC data (designated as national statistics) for the period before 2020 are published on the Department for Transport website.
  • Within the United Kingdom, recording of road traffic collision (RTC) data is governed by the STATS19 data collection form, with guidance provided by the STATS20 Manual (Instructions for the completion of road accident reports from non-CRASH sources). Further details and access to these documents is available through the Department for Transport website. 
  • COVID-19 : During 2020/21 there were a variety of COVID pandemic restrictions and lockdowns.  It is recommended that the primary comparator to use as a baseline is a five-year average.  Where this is not available, then a three-year average should be used.  Where comparisons are made between 2020/21 and 2019/20 caution should be used when interpreting time series or analytical results.
  • National statistics for RTCs and Casualties are routinely published by Transport Scotland and the Department for Transport.
For information on stop and search please visit the stop and search data publication page.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Health and Social Care, Law and Licensing, Planning and Development, Public Safety, Transportation
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-08-06
Date Updated 2024-08-06
Original dataset link