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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - ordnance survey open usrn for forth valley Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data

An open dataset of all Unique Street Reference Numbers (USRNs) within OS MasterMap Highways Network, with an associated simplified line geometry representing the geographic extent of each USRN.

What OS Open USRN provides you with:

Essential identifiers for streets
  • Our Open USRN product contains USRNs across GB. They are the authoritative identifier assigned to and uniquely identifying streets and are essential for managing Great Britain's Highways. Once its allocated to a street record, a USRN will never change or be reused.

Authoritative source
  • The USRNs in OS Open USRN are allocated by Highway or Road Authorities and Highway Bodies, under their statutory responsibility to maintain this information. This means you can have confidence you’re accessing an authoritative source of these identifiers.

Complete USRN data
  • All USRNs present in OS MasterMap Highways Network, are also included in this product – so you can be sure you’re not missing out.

Share and link data
  • OS Open USRN will enable you to start sharing and linking together information about USRNs which you can visualise with a location.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Transportation
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-07-27
Date Updated 2024-07-27
Original dataset link