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Perth & Kinross Council

Local authority for the Perth & Kinross Council area

Forest Woodland Strategy Map Edit

The Strategy is a land use plan to help identify areas where proposals for woodland creation and management may be supported and activities that will be encouraged through available funding. The extent to which specific proposals in potential areas will be supported will depend on site specific criteria detailed with in action plans, individual forest management plans, the Forest Design Framework etc. The design of schemes will require careful consideration. (For further detail see


PREFERRED: Land will be that which offers the greatest scope to accommodate future expansion of a range of woodland types, and hence, to deliver on a very wide range of objectives. Within preferred areas sensitivities are, in general, likely to be limited, and it should be possible to address any particular site specific issues within well designed proposals that meet the UK Forestry Standard and associated guidelines. Most expansion is therefore likely to be focused on preferred areas.

POTENTIAL: Land will be that which offers considerable potential to accommodate future expansion of a range of woodland types, but where at least one significant sensitivity exists. The extent to which specific proposals in potential areas will be supported will depend on how well sensitivities can be addressed within the proposals. The design of schemes will require careful consideration

SENSITIVE: Areas where a combination of sensitivities means there will be limited scope to accommodate further woodland expansion unless that expansion demonstrably does not impact negatively on the identified sensitivity. Limited woodland expansion may be possible within sensitive areas where it is of a scale and character which can be accommodated without significant negative impacts and/or where it would positively enhance the features of interest locally. In some areas cumulative impact may also be a relevant consideration.

UNSUITABLE: Areas assessed as being physically unsuitable for the growth and management of trees (based on the Land Capability for Forestry Map)

Forest and Woodland Strategy detailed mapping is also  available via the Forestry Commission (Scotland) map viewer – under the policy folder 

Additional useful data  to support grant funding for forest planting  is available via the FCS Land Information Search tool


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License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Arts / Culture / History, Budget / Finance, Council and Government, Food and Environment, Housing and Estates, Parks / Recreation, Planning and Development
Maintainer Perth & Kinross Council
Date Created 2023-03-27
Date Updated 2023-03-27
Original dataset link


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