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Orkney Islands Council

Local authority for the Orkney Islands Council area

Scapa Designated Anchor Berths - Orkney Islands - Scotland Edit

A polygon dataset showing each anchor berth area in the Scapa Flow. These have not been merged. Scapa Flow is identified in National Planning Framework 4 as a nationally significant harbour asset. It is one of the principal locations in Europe for Ship-to-Ship (STS) operations for the transfer of crude and fuel oils. There are 15 designated anchor berths in Scapa Flow including 4 STS berths. Designated anchor berths include the associated 1500 metre radius sensitive areas for safe vessel manoeuvring.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Planning and Development, Transportation
Maintainer Orkney Islands Council
Date Created 2024-04-10
Date Updated 2024-04-30
Original dataset link https://data.spatialhub.scot/dataset/scapa_designated_anchor_berths_-_orkney_islands-oi