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Moray Council

Local authority for the Moray Council area

Local Development Plan Rural Groupings Designations (Moray) Edit

The Local Development Plan 2015 was superseded by the Local Development Plan 2020 on 27 July 2020. Local Development Plan Rural Grouping Designations have been set out within many of the Local Development Plan Rural Groupings. Sites with development potential have been identified. These are acceptable in principle subject to compliance with the Moray Local Development Plan (MLDP) 2015, but will still require confirmation of technical requirements (eg road access; drainage).These designations do not imply any right of access or use of private land, nor do they commit the Council to any form of maintenance or upkeep of the site.


Additional Info

Category Council and Government, Food and Environment, Planning and Development, Transportation
Maintainer Moray Council
Date Created 2017-12-13
Date Updated 2025-01-17
Number of records 200
Original dataset link