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Highland Council

Local authority for the Highland Council area

Private Water Supplies Edit

This dataset contains the location details of Type A and Type B Private Water Supplies known of by The Highland Council within The Highland Council Area. There are likely to be private water supplies that the council has not been notified of and so are not yet recorded in this dataset but they will be added when the council is made aware of them. Gemini metadata record is at https://www.spatialdata.gov.scot/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/%7Bf7b4d832-1712-4c53-864e-0e755e0873ef%7D


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Planning and Development
Maintainer Highland Council
Date Created 2016-09-27
Date Updated 2024-10-03
Original dataset link https://map-highland.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/Highland::private-water-supplies