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Highland Council

Local authority for the Highland Council area

Housing Land Audit 2023 Publish Edit

Highland Council Housing Land Audit Data for June 1st 2023

This is used in the Web Map App "Housing Land Audit"

It contains:

HLA 2023 data plus attributes 357 features

Settlement Development Areas (SDA) in force at the time of audit and CNPA Settlements from CNP Dev plan

Ordnance Survey base mapping data served as a WMTS base data for speed

On zooming in - all individual HLA Sites available and interrogateable for attributes from the audit. 


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Food and Environment, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Highland Council
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Updated 2024-03-04
Original dataset link https://map-highland.opendata.arcgis.com/maps/9c91df50211045a985ec858f84c57ae0