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Glasgow City Council

Local authority for the Glasgow City Council area

Housing Association Properties Edit

The primary data source for these tenure estimates is the Council Tax Register compiled by the City Assessor. Stores, garages and properties relating to hostels and institutions have been excluded from the total stock count. Ownership information from this source relies to a considerable extent on residents notifying the Council that a change of tenure has taken place. Accordingly, the figures contained within this file may differ slightly from other estimates available which make use of additional data sources, such as tenure data from the Housing Benefits system, a housing stock file from the Glasgow Housing Association and the Statutory Register of Private Landlords. These tenure estimates were last undertaken for housing stock as it was in 2018, with the report going to Council committee in 2019. These estimates which are aggregated to neighbourhood level are available at: ownership information from the various data sources does not always agree. This is a particular issue for private renting. For dwellings where the available evidence from the Council Tax Register and the Statutory Register of Private Landlords is not consistent, a more detailed tenure assessment was carried out, using a sample. The proportions for owner occupation and private renting from the sample have been used to estimate the tenure for dwellings where the tenure position is unclear.The owner occupied stock figures include shared ownership and shared equity properties. The social rented stock figures include mid-market rent housing. Housing at full market rent has been classified as private rented stock, irrespective of ownership.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Budget / Finance, Business and Economy, Council and Government, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Glasgow City Council
Date Created 2022-03-10
Date Updated 2022-05-31
Original dataset link