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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

Play Area Sports and Recreation Playground Edit

This layer shows the location of children's play area, adventure trail (agility trail), dog agility trail, MUGA (Multiuse Game Areas), sports facility, skatepark, outdoor gym (adult fitness) facilities owned and maintained by Dundee City Council, Neighbourhood Services, Environment Management Team. The Council Inspects and maintains these children's playpark in the regular basis.

For more details, including information about repairs and maintenance, contact

Tel: 01382 433710 Option 7


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Council and Government, Food and Environment, Housing and Estates, Parks / Recreation, Sport and Leisure
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2024-06-18
Date Updated 2024-09-24
Original dataset link https://data.dundeecity.gov.uk/datasets/dundeecity::play-area-sports-and-recreation-playground