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Dundee City Council

Local authority for the Dundee City Council area

Dundee Housing Land Audit 2021-2022 Edit

Dundee Housing Land Audit 2021/2022

The annual audit of housing land provides a factual statement of land supply within the administrative boundary of Dundee City Council.

The audit remains an important source of information for the monitoring of the Dundee Local Development Plan as well as for the National Planning Framework 4 as well as for the National Planning Framework 4, and accompanying documents.

The Dundee Housing Land Audit 2022 has been prepared in line with Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and PAN 2/2010: Affordable Housing and Housing Land Audits.

For more context, please see https://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/service-area/city-development/planning-and-economic-development/dundee-housing-land-audit

Please email any queries to localdevplan@dundeecity.gov.uk

This data is also available as an interoperable Web Feature Service (WFS) at https://dservices.arcgis.com/GlZ1P6ksdiXNYhvC/arcgis/services/Dundee_Housing_Land_Audit_2021_2022/WFSServer?service=wfs&request=getcapabilities


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Food and Environment, Housing and Estates, Planning and Development
Maintainer Dundee City Council
Date Created 2023-02-21
Date Updated 2023-03-20
Original dataset link https://data.dundeecity.gov.uk/maps/dundeecity::dundee-housing-land-audit-2021-2022-1