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Clackmannanshire Council

Local authority for the Clackmannanshire Council area

Land Ownership - Clackmannanshire Edit

Local authorities are large owners of land, much of it not captured on the current Land Registry due to it not changing hands in the last 40 years. Many do not have up to date records of the extent of their land ownership, and as such there is no definitive records held. This dataset is trying to collect what information does exist to provide an indicative extent of land owned by Local Authorities. This is NOT indemnified Registers of Scotland land ownership extents. Some of it is derived from sale of land based on historical ownership, but it should not be used for decision making, it is designed as an aid to assist interested parties in identifying where to start their enquiries. If if doubt please contact the relevant local authority or Registers of Scotland.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Elections / Politics, Food and Environment
Maintainer Clackmannanshire Council
Date Created 2022-02-24
Date Updated 2024-10-04
Original dataset link