Argyll and Bute Council
Local authority for the Argyll and Bute Council areaLDP2 Areas for Action Edit
Areas for Action designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2. Subject to resource availability during the plan-period, these areas will be the focus for partnership or community action. Area remits for these AFAs are being worked up in the Supplementary Information and Guidance report; these area remits may include investment and funding packages, land assembly and asset management programmes, development and redevelopment proposals, infrastructure provision and environmental enhancement proposals. Depending on circumstances, AFAs may coincide with other categories of sites such as potential development areas.
Additional Info
License | No licence |
Category | Food and Environment, Planning and Development |
Maintainer | Argyll and Bute Council |
Date Created | 2023-11-20 |
Date Updated | 2024-07-19 |
Number of records | 37 |
Original dataset link | |