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Angus Council

Local authority for the Angus Council area

Invoice and Credit Notes over £500 Edit

Every six months, we publish a list of all invoices and credit notes over £500 we receive, providing details on supplier name, amount paid, invoice reference, gross amount and vat amount. Spend on premises, transport and supplies and services Payments to contractors who do work on our behalf. Other spend we incur in carrying out our business. Some areas of spend are covered by the Data Protection Act and are not published in full. This includes: Personal information, for example, individual payments for adoption and fostering, care related payments. * Payments to staff These entries have been omitted from the report.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Budget / Finance, Council and Government, Health and Social Care, Transportation
Maintainer Angus Council
Date Created 2023-12-12
Date Updated 2024-10-22
Original dataset link