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Stirling Council

Local authority for the Stirling Council area

Open data - national records of scotland deaths and death rates Edit

This dataset is published as Open Data and provides information for the Stirling Council area.

The National Records of Scotland (NRS) publishes the numbers of deaths for Local Authority areas and Health Board.

NRS does not publish the numbers of deaths for geographical areas which are smaller than Local Authorities. However, some such information is available from other official web sites, which present information on deaths (produced from data which NRS supplied to those bodies) alongside other statistics for areas within Scotland.

Other official web sites may also make available (for Scotland as a whole, or for areas within Scotland) figures which are on a different basis from those published by NRS - for example, they may provide age-sex-standardised rates which they produced using the European Standard Population.


Additional Info

License UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Category Business and Economy, Council and Government, Elections / Politics, Health and Social Care, Planning and Development
Maintainer Stirling Council
Date Created 2024-08-15
Date Updated 2024-08-15
Original dataset link